Website Launch By Honourable Minister Girish Bapat

Hon. Girish Bapat
Shri Girish Bapat Honourable Minister Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department, Maharashtra

I am happy to launch a Website of Legal Metrology Organization of Maharashtra State (Under the Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department). The objec t of website is to extend a helping hand not only to the consumers but also to the manufacturers/packers and traders by giving selected provisions of the Legal Metrololgy Act 2009 and The Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Rules 2011 and Maharashtra Legal Metrololgy (Enforcement) Rules 2011 as most of the consumers and traders are unaware of the provisions. It will help consumers to find out the violations under the Acts and Rules and approach our Department for their redressal through proper legal action against the violators. It will also help the manufacturers/packers and traders to take corrective measures to avoid the violations so as to protect the interest of consumers at large.

The website gives the organizational structure along with office and e-mail addresses of all Districts and Regional heads of Legal Metrology Department, so that the consumers can approach the concerned officers for making complaint, if any. To facilitate manufacturers /packers and traders, we have provided Application Forms for required licences or registration, being issued by our Department.

We hope, the website will be useful to the consumers and traders. We would like to invite suggestions, if any, for changes/modification in website to fulfill the requirements of the people at large.